As part of the Balkan Squad team together with Miroslav Stampar and Igor Lukic, we had a great opportunity to be part of the CyberWeek event. We have been hosting HackerSpace CTF as part of the Capture All the Things Village.
CTF was prepared in such a way, that majority of the challenges were Jeopardy-style. Some of the challenges were actual hacking assignments and there were some IoT. Since we were traveling to the United Emirates, we couldn’t resist so prepare CTF in such a way that would easily fit into the local scene. The goal of our CTF was to be able to penetrate into the main building of the oil refinery. The challenges were chained together to bring players closer and closer to the final flag.
We even created one extreme challenge which consisted out of 3 steps to open the treasure chest and to achieve the final flag, which was hidden in a well-locked chest.

Capture All The Things Village – HITB+ CyberWeek 2021
Our CTF was as its name stated HackerSpace CTF and we had challenges from these areas:
– Reversing
– Mobile apps
– Cracking
– IoT (Radio, RFID, logic gates, DOS to create some service outage)
– System hacking
For two days we have been enjoying great people and some of the good players. It was true, that we competed in the same booth as the local team, which also prepared a great CTF, but we found out we could cooperate in different ways.
We also connected a rotating light in our booth, so every time a correct submission was made, the light was triggered.

We were honored to get a visit from such a great hacker as Chema Alonso is. We are still using one of the amazing tools called FOCA for document metadata searches.
In the end, the winner was the Red Team from Abu Dhabi led by Tudor Enache, who managed to score most of the points at our CTF. We are sure, that the reward went to the right hands and we hope to see him and his team again in the future.